A Unique Funding Opportunity for Your Health Care Career

The National Health Service Corps: Scholarships and Career Development
The federal Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) recently announced a limited window of opportunity for undergraduate, college students who are seeking a degree in five health-care disciplines; accepted or enrolled in an accredited United States academic institution; and are interested in becoming a primary care provider. The application process is open through May 10, 2018 and can be found online: https://nhsc.hrsa.gov/downloads/spapplicationguide.pdf.
Selected students receive National Health Service Corps (NHSC) support for tuition and fees, a stipend for living expenses, and other educational costs. The educational support is free from federal income tax - with an exception to the living allowance stipend - which may be taxable. In return for funding support, scholarship recipients are required to commit to health-care service in a Health Professional Shortage Area[i] (HPSA) - with length of service determined by the amount of funding assistance received – up to four years.
Students must serve at an approved NHSC site in an underserved urban, rural, or frontier area. The following health care disciplines are eligible for application:
Physicians: MD or DO
Nurse Practitioners (must be post graduate with a clinical practice focus)
Certified Nurse Midwives
Physician Assistants
Don’t miss this two-fold opportunity to serve and develop your career potential!
For more information: https://nhsc.hrsa.gov/scholarships/index.html?utm_campaign=National+Health+Service+Corps+Scholarship+Program&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
[i] See http//www.alabamapublichealth.gov/ruralhealth/hpsa.html - to review potential Alabama HPSA sites